Monday, August 8, 2011

Why I was laid off.

Okay, so this is what happened.
I clean vacation rentals, and since my mom and I are a team, we do them together. Also, because we're new, we'd have "checkers" come around to the house either the day we clean them, or the day after we clean them, just to make sure we did everything right. And for weeks, after 20 houses, we only had to go back to 2. I think that's pretty good for being new.

Well, this bitch checker, who we didn't even meet, waited 2 weeks after we cleaned a house to go in and check it. And surprise surprise, there were dead bugs and dust everywhere. (it's up in the mountains by a yeah) Anyway, this bitch writes down everything that we did wrong, like she's supposed to, only she goes out of her way to not be all.
"Bathrooms didn't pass" Okay........why? cause the check list says they did.
"Gaming center is a MESS"...............It had dust on the counter. And the only thing in the gaming center was a freaking pool table, WTF?!

Anyway, this bitch not only writes down a list of the vaguest shit ever, she texts our boss about how horrible and messy the house was and how we should be ashamed and some such shit.
(then we find out that the rentals owners were coming by the next day, so we think they just made this shit up to get us to reclean the house for them without pay)

So anyway, we go in to get our checks a week later and our boss tells us that we seems to be struggling and that Stephanie (the bitch checker we didn't meet) said that the houses were just to bad, so they were laying us off.
Everyone we told about our jobs warned us that they were shady people. No joke, even my dad came home and said that his buddies at work warned us against working there cause their wives/sisters/daughters had worked there at some point. figures.

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