Okay... Let's get this out of the way. I havent gained weight. I've been a good girl. I'm happy...mostly. So on and so forth.
Onward to the main topic!
Fifty Shades of Grey! Have you read it? No... READ IT. Oh my freaking God. That is the single most erotic book I've read in my life and I' only half way finished with it.
Let me give you a little run down of it so far.
Rich bossy guy.
sex contract
sex room (with lots and lots of toys)
Dom/Sub contract
Lots of sex
and that's where I am right now, haha.
Yeah... It's pretty great. Damn... This virgin thing really sucks. Lol! Oh well. I can day dream for now. So yeah, that's what I wanted to spot about. This book... yeah. It's got me all giddy. And there's two more books after it.
AND they want to turn it into a movie... yes please PLEASE!!!