Saturday, August 18, 2012

Been a while

Hey lovelies. Let's just straight back into business shall we?

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here, shame on me, I know. Still, 4,027 page views, holy fuck who is reading this shit?! LOL They may not have commented on anything, but people keep looking at my stuff. Interesting. Oh well who cares, hello.

Anyway, like I said, straight to business. I've fallen off the band wagon, oops? I can't even be mad at myself because it seems so normal. Trying to eat healthy was what felt weird. I felt like a cow. And although I didn't gain from it, I sure felt like I did.

A week or two ago I'd fasted for three days, which I've done before so it's pretty easy. Then I've been restricting. Maybe fast for a day, then more a good idea. i know

(yes, i know, not a healthy mindset at all)

I get kind of sad sometimes when I watch other people. I've had to put my little brother on a diet. He's 15 and 215 pounds....yeah he's big. His tits are as big as mine. ANYWAY he's got a limit of 2,000 calories. Isn't that sad? 2,000 is a restriction for this kid cause he eats SO freaking much. To me, I was trying to eat 1,500 to 2,000 calories and I hated myself for it every day. Even though that's how normal people eat, ugh, hate it.

Kinda wish I could go back in time and make sure that I don't go down this road, but then I wouldn't have gotten any of the good habits I've picked up. Smaller plates, almond milk, vegetarian meats, not over eating on the junk food. I was 200 lbs when I started, I'd probably be 220 by now. So yeah...anyway. Enough for now

Love you all, later

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