Thursday, November 1, 2012

Plan of action

There's 14 days until the last Twilight premier. (no, i'm not going of my own free will. I got a free ticket and my friend is making me wait in line with her for 12 hours. I haven't seen her in months so why not? Lol) That's exactly two weeks to fit into one of the few pairs of jeans I own that are cute....  So, here's my plan, out in the open.

No food for two weeks. The longest I've gone was five days, and even then my appetite was gone and I only ate because of family circumstances. I should be able to lose at most 10 pounds by then. I can manage 5 pounds a week easy if I can keep my mouth shut.

Wish me luck.

ok that's all just an excuse >.> Truth is I need to give myself a reason so I don't feel horrible about not sticking to being healthy. But damn it, healthy leads to binging and I can't keep doing that. ARG

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