Saturday, November 10, 2012


Well, things are... better. I'm not going to go into my depressing last post. fuck that noise.

I still wont say my weight, not yet anyway, but I will say that eight days ago I was seven pounds heavier than I am now. Here's how it went.

For the first two days I didn't eat anything.
The third day I ate, but I worked it off, I'm still counting it as breaking my fast though.
On the fourth day I only ate 200 calories
On day five I ate like... 1,000 calories. I worked about a fourth of it off.
The sixth I had 500 calories.
Yesterday I had about 800 calories, but I stretched it out over the entire day. I stopped eating at midnight and fell asleep at 3 am.
And today I'm had less than three hundred calories.

Today, I weighed myself after I ate at around 3:30 pm and saw that I went down in weight again. So far, it's going pretty good. When I lose three more pounds, I'll start posting my weight again so I wont have to see....THAT number x.x Expect that by next week at the latest.

Peace out.

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