If anyone recognizes the sign in the title, then they should know what this post will be about. If not, well i'll fill you in.
It's a Wicca symbol. That's right. I'm throwing inhibition to the wind, I rented some books from the library and I'm going to become a Wiccan. It's kind of an amazing feeling actually, It's something that I can finally connect with after years of jumping from Christian church to church. Bah, was ridiculous.
The funny thing is, in Christianity they all said that God and Jesus was in me...but I never felt them. Ever. However I feel the Goddess like no other. I don't want to hurt my body with week long fasts and month long restricted days of only eating 500 calories. I want to be healthy because I represent someone so special and amazing. I'm thinking this might save my life some day. I'd just keep weakening myself until I had to go to the hospital, you know? I didn't WANT to be healthy. Now I have a reason to.
Just don't start hating Christians..