Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's over

I'm sorry there haven't been many happy additions to his blog, depending on your view point this might be one...

Today I broke up with my boyfriend of almost seven months. You see...yesterday i told him that i don't feel comfortable with the "Door -to- Door" preaching thing that he was other Jehovah's Witnesses do...He told me that with more study I would be. I am not going to go to peoples houses. It ranks on my comfort scale with KKK rally's. He told me that not doing it wasn't an option, that I needed to be molded a little more and expect to change.

I then told him that I didn't feel loved at the moment, since he was so intent on changing who I am. I was already leaving my country, family, friends and my holidays/birthdays for him...I guess it wasn't enough.

He apologized, but didn't compromise on the situation.

We said our good nights and I didn't sleep, thinking about everything in our relationship, start to current. And I came to a conclusion. When he got online today, I asked him a yes or no question. "Is going door to door mandatory?"

He said yes.

So, for once I finally stood up for myself. I said that he and I had a problem. After almost an hour of talking it over, I declared our relationship done with, and he got offline and didn't return. I'm a little sad about it when I think of all of our plans...but I can make new plans. Plans with a man who doesn't want to change me the instant we start dating. A man who actually wants children, who weighs more than I do, who I can make new inside jokes with and be myself with. Someone from America like me, living in the country like I do. Not a city boy who'se line of work means we'd have to live in the middle of a city by an airport.

It's a beginning for me, but for now...I'm just going to concentrate on getting the job I applied for and begin saving up money.

Another up note, after I broke up with him around 11 am, i didn't eat anything for around 6 hours, then only had 300 calories. And I rearranged the living room. I'm hopeful for the scale tomorrow.

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