I tell you one thing, I'm so tired of living with people. With the exception of my sister. My mom drinks non-stop when she's home, then get's angry with everyone and everything around her. One comment from my sister has her exploding and going off onto every different topic, even if it's not really connected to the original argument. It's just...getting so damn old.
By my calculations, with my new job I'm going to be working around 30 hours each week for a few months. The place is going to open next week, in a town with no other burger shops...so yeah, it's gunna be busy for a while. I'll be making 8 bucks an hour, so for one week, after taxes, I'll round it down to 220. 220 a week, around four weeks a month, 880 a month. Taking out gas and a few expenses, since everything else is paid for, I'll save about 600 a month. Keep that up for three months and I'll have 1,800 dollars in my savings account. After that, it'll slow down, but after I get my license, I'm going to continue saving until I have around three grand, then start looking for places to live up here...
Now...that's not easy. =/ There's no apartments where I live, only rooms or small houses for rent, so...yeah >.< I'm hoping that maybe in a year or two I'll be moved to full time and not part time, then I'll work around 6-8 hours a day and five days a week. Yay. and a raise of course. =) until then...oh look, my mother just tried to break the computer table and is now ranting again... -sigh- Wishful thinking...
on an upside, I'm 160.4, lowest yet...that and my new job is all the good news I have. bye
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