Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wannarexic is an ugly term, however...

First off, I want to thank AliceInReality and DamnPrecious, your comments made my mood lift a bit, so thank you both, you’re sweethearts. <3

Anyway, back to the blog. SO sick and tired of seeing little girls, fresh in highschool, asking for tips and tricks on losing weight. What makes me even angrier is when OTHER new members (this is on PrettyThin) GIVE them those tips and tricks instead of listening to the rules. And where's the older members? Trying to stay out of it all. I tried speaking up once, and I got yelled at. 

It's just....ARG!!!! If you're not already sick, stay off Ed sites, don't get sucked in, stop trying to take the "easy" (yeah right) way out cause you don't want to run. RIGHT I got sucked in, I do 500 crunches a fucking day now. I HATE crunches, but I do them because I'm scared not to. I run because I'm scared not to. And now I'm surrounded by little 14 year olds who want to lose a little weight before their first high school dance. It's very frustrating. 

What's worse is you know they wont listen if you warn them away. They'll just keep ruining their bodys, not caring. nfgoefhbgdjghnd;fjhgb;dfjgh it makes me so mad!!!

Sorry, no weight update on this one, too scared to get on my scale. Keep it real.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Our school is full of those, '' i would love to be anorexic, they get thin so easily''.
    They know nothing. They know nothing about this world.
