Friday, February 18, 2011

Wakey wakey

Hello my sexy bitches. It's 1:50 in the AM right now. i usually hit the sheets at around 3 AM and wake up around 11AM. However, my sister is not home, so I'm in my bedroom, where my family wont be bothered by the lights being on. So. Here is my brilliant master plan. I'm gonna stay up, till AM, then sleep ALL DAY mwuahahahahahahaha.

The reason this plan is bitchin', is because my fat ass gained 4 pounds!!! So. Sleeping all day, means not eating all day. Because I can stand not eating when I'm hungry, but being bored is my downfall. SO, can't be bored, while I'm sleeping.

I'm in a damned good optimistic mood, this is a damn good plan. I shall use youtube to keep my ass awake.....then bounce around like a nutso person, cause being awake too long is like crack to me. SO....there's  a lot of "so's in this.....OH WELL. SO, i shall stay awake, then sleep, not eat, and reweight on Saturday morning.

Also, i have no laxitives, so im a  sad girl. Boo.

Anyway....yeah. byebye

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